The Human Microbiome May Help Unlock Mysteries Behind Health and Psychological Illnesses

It’s been called the “forgotten organ,” a “scientific frontier,” and even the “second brain,” yet scientists say we have barely scratched the surface on understanding the role of this living, breathing, highly complex ecosystem in shaping human health. Here’s an up-close look at what we know so far…

The Human Microbiome – The Gut-Brain Connection


New Laser Will be Offered this Summer – Face and Body Contouring for Smooth and Sleek Appearance

The Morpheus8 is a new subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that fractionally remodels and contours the face and body. Penetrating deep into the skin and fat, this morphs the aging face or body into a more desired smooth and sleek appearance, for all skin tones…

Face and Body Contouring – Skin Care Doctor


Benefits of Meditation – Ultimate Guide To Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Life Extension

The Ultimate Guide To Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Life Extension

Not only do experienced meditators often look decades younger than their “true” age, but they also live much longer lives than the rest of us mere mortals.

And the reasons why are nothing short of incredible…



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