Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Approximately 40 million people around the world already have Alzheimer’s disease and the numbers are rising rapidly. Since the disease barely existed a century ago, Alzheimer’s and some related diseases fit the definition of a global epidemic. A new book by Gary R. Chandler explains why some, if not all, forms of Alzheimer’s are contagious.

AlzheimersBook2SmallFunky.jpg The book is called Alzheimer’s: A Survivor’s Guide. As the author explains, Alzheimer’s deaths in the U.S. alone increased 68 percent between 2000 and 2010. During that same time, deaths from other major diseases, including heart disease and cancer, decreased significantly. Most developed countries are making progress on all health fronts, except for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

“In my opinion, Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders such as Mad Cow disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Chronic Wasting disease all are being grossly mismanaged around the world,” Chandler said. “The outbreaks all started about the same time. All are deadly. None are curable. All are caused by deadly proteins. The correlations speak volumes.”

The new book explains that some, if not all, forms of dementia are contagious. This book explores Alzheimer’s as part of a protein epidemic. It makes several critical points and asks some challenging questions about a form of killer protein called a prion (pronounced PREE-on).

As Chandler explains, deadly prions are contagious and unstoppable. They cause deadly neurodegenerative disorders in mammals, including humans. A Nobel-Prize-winning scientist claims that Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases all are prion diseases. In addition, prions are causing a deadly epidemic among deer, elk and moose in North America and Korea called Chronic Wasting disease (CWD). CWD, like Alzheimer’s, is a neurodegenerative disorder that consumes the brain. Thousands of animals have died and are still dying of the disease, while spreading the infection before and after death.

Chandler is offering custom versions of the E-book to Alzheimer’s organizations around the world to help fund advocacy, care, and research. Interested organizations should contact us via the link below.

For more information and to buy a copy of the E-book for just $2.99, please visit


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